Shirkent historical and natural Park is a national Park of Tajikistan, located on the territory of tursunzadev district, in the basin of the river of the same name, on the southern slopes of the Hissar ridge.

Shirkent historical and natural Park is a national Park of Tajikistan, located on the territory of tursunzadev district, in the basin of the river of the same name, on the southern slopes of the Hissar ridge.
The Museum is very popular among citizens. The number of exhibits in it has about 700 units. In the exposition of the regional history can be traced.
The memorial complex of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadoni, a poet, philosopher and thinker of the XIV century
The Rudaki mausoleum (the Taj. Oromgoҳi Rдdakӣ) – mausoleum of the famous poet, writer and scientist, founder of Tajik-Persian literature — Rudaki (858-941).
The pride of the inhabitants of the village of the Gods, which stretches three dozen kilometers from Khorog, can be considered Kofir-Kala
Dushanbe is the largest city in Tajikistan, its magnificent capital. This is the political, cultural and economic center of the country.
Not far from the village of Ishkashim is one of the ancient attractions of the Pamirs and, in particular, the Vakhan corridor-the Fortress of Kakh-Kakha, which is also called Kaakhka.
Karon in translation from the middle Persian language Pahlavi means ” a place located at a height.”
Sarazm is the oldest settlement of the sedentary peoples of Central Asia, who lived from the fourth Millennium to the end of the third Millennium BC.
Mugh Fortress is an archaeological site of the 7-8 century in Tajikistan in the upper reaches of the Zaravshon river.